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When the weight of the past leans against nothing

James has a cold and I decided to stay home today from work, just in case. He's sleeping now after a night of unrest and the discomfort of a stuffed nose. We were both sleeping on the edge of consciousness this morning, waiting for the dreaded alarm.  Imogen has to wake quite early these days to arrive at her extra session of school in the morning--the college-track classes of her middle school arrive an hour before regular classes begin.  She's not a fan of this extra hour of math! I was having a disagreeable dream in the odd darkness of the early morning. I was standing in line at a counter with James at what appeared to be a hotspot gym in Manhattan.  There were other couples in line, wearing work-out spandex, looking healthy, drinking expensive concoctions of squeezed greens.  When we reached the front of the line, I looked over at James and he was naked but for his swimming trunks.  I was slightly embarrassed for him. He was peering down trying to fix t...

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