Lisa Summa's PS34 art class

On our initial tour of PS34 while searching for a proper school in which to enroll Imogen for kindergarten, we heard the teacher Lisa Summa describe her art program.  It won us over immediately.  James found an affinity with Lisa not only as a teacher but as a clear-sighted, dedicated advocate of arts education in public schools.  James considers Lisa a dear friend as well as his daughter's teacher. He wanted to support her passion as a teacher and made it part of his mission, while he served as PTA president, to provide her with the foundational materials she required to teach.  Schools often look for ready-made programs to incorporate into their curriculum but PS34 had its very own in-house talent right there like a crocus bulb waiting for a bit of spring rain!

Lisa has been inspired by James to bring the love of creation to the children this spring. They are busy painting in the classroom and Lisa sent me the results.  James would hold back the tears whenever he saw the children working in the school, whether it was solving math problems or making paintings, it meant that much to him.

I have attached the latest watercolors created by the children under Lisa's guidance. 



  1. My kids loved working on this! Lisa showed them some of James' artwork, and they came home in awe and inspired!

    1. Nicole, I am glad the students are enjoying it.. I hope James feels the love. We are doing it all for him.

  2. Jennie, thanks for sharing the watercolors and your lovely words. I have been quite lucky to have you and James as supporters of the art program. James has been a cheerleader, an inspiration and a friend. I am happy to be able to guide the students through this project in James' honor. xo


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