A Quickie

I have run out of time today. 

A few impressions.

James stood with his back against the wall in the gym, chest out, head up and in alignment, while Olivia, his physical therapist, instructed him to place his palms outward, thumbs up, and raise his arms as if he were flying.  James's range of motion is limited to approximately shoulder level and he was working hard.  He looked good though with a huge grin as he flapped.

I discussed his homecoming with Olivia and realized that I will have to work with James to keep him from any retrograde movement in his recovey.  It did not occur to me that there was a possibility of slipping back until Olivia voiced it today.  I have to get a book on rehab, straight-away.

James's tube nutrition is not agreeing with him and with only three weeks to go until discharge, I am wondering if it is worth it to attempt changing his liquid food.  Right before I left for the day, he had a sharp pain in his stomach and his reaction was over the top. He looked like he was going to cry and was completely frightened. I thought something severe was occurring, called the nurse, tried to calm him.  The nurse saw my reaction and called for the resident doctor.  James was fine.  I had forgotten, once again, that his brain injury causes his emotions and fears to live right on the surface.  I am glad for this reminder because I will need to recognize a real emergency as opposed to passing gas pains when he is at home with me.

He vomited after physical therapy which put the kibosh on the rest of the activities scheduled for the day. I put him into bed and he watched a video filmed of Imogen's performance in the Jungle Book last night at her school--thank you Jeremy for capturing it on film!  I heard there is a student version being filmed as well, every night, that will be blended together into one movie for James.  He will love seeing the student intern perspective of the show since they have worked with the younger children through the entire rehearsal process.

I am slightly freaked out about James returning home to me.  The weight of the duty is giving me pause.

The future feels like a Saul Steinberg cartoon drawing.


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