Happy Father's Day

We all slept in today and shared pancakes together for breakfast before walking to Transmitter Park with a pit stop at Ovenly for lemonade and brownies.  Imogen and I attempted to jump rope in the hot sunshine while James sat in the shade, munching on ice and admiring the new cover we made for the seat of his rollator.

It was longest walk James has undertaken and as we climbed the stairs on the return he told me, "Getting ready for walking to Imogen's graduation ceremony."

After a late lunch, we worked on exercises for James's upper body. I decided we should review the recording of James's exercise session with his occupational therapist Jack that was made at Mt. Sinai, a few days before he was discharged.

James has lost range of motion in both of his arms. The few days spent in the hospital lying in bed meant time away from therapy sessions and work with me. It was disappointing to see the loss and his struggle to throw a ball over his head which just last week, he was able to do without strain.  James looked far stronger in the recording which was dispiriting to us both.

I want to believe that there will be only forward progression but it became very clear to me how easily James will delay his recovery if he does not keep up with his therapy.  There are so many factors at play that I did not have to wrangle with previously because he had an entire staff at Mt. Sinai looking into the various aspects of his recovery. It is crazy that it all comes down to me now. Previously, I was in charge of keeping his spirits up, inspiring him to make work, and massaging his aching muscles. Now, I have to be the cause of those aches too through therapy sessions, keeping an eye on his meds, cooking his meals (being sure he swallows properly), plus the cognitive aspects of his recovery too.  I will not rant here about the health insurance industry which has been the cause of much angst for me as of late.


Our goals for this week are to attend Imogen's graduation ceremony and attend her last soccer game next weekend. Hoping to see some of you during out walks out in the world.

Taking a deep breath and sending out a celebration cheer to the fathers out there on this gorgeous Sunday.  James had a happy day today, sharing it at home with me and Imogen.


  1. Happy Father's Day to James. Beautiful photo.

  2. Happy Fathers Day to James. Happy to hear it was a nice day and to know
    that you're all together again.

  3. Can you get some in-home help?

    1. If you qualify for SSDI you might be able to take advantage of the Visiting Nurse Services of NY. Sorry if this is too nosy. https://www.vnsny.org/how-we-can-help/

    2. So glad to see James up and out! Happy Father's Day!

  4. So nice to know that James is home and moving forward on his path to recovery. It will be nice for you all to enjoy the NYC summer together. All best, Nadia


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